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MeltingHorizons ( 2023 - AUT)

A 3D platform about how polar bears face survival difficulties under global warming, as climate change is a significant problem requiring utmost attention.

Skills applied: Unreal Engine, Maya, Blender

Glitch Capstone project ( 2022 - AUT)

This was my 3rd year project to complete the degree in game design at AUT. It was designed as a 3D boss fight game, and I finished the whole project myself. However, due to the time limit, this was still far from reaching my expectations.

Skills applied: Unreal Engine, Maya

Hobo ( 2022 - AUT)

Two classmates and I made this game demo in YEAR with unreal engine5 in a week. I was focusing on the 3d modeling and farming system.

Skills applied: Unreal Engine,  Maya


Dungeon ( 2022 - AUT)

This game demo was made in a week by using labyrinth dungeon. Finding the square in the last room counts as a victory.

Skill applied: Unity, Maya

Escape  ( 2021 - personal)

An infinite runner game made during the holidays.

Skill applied: Unity

Tower Defense Demo ( 2022 - AUT)

Made the game demo in a week with unity.

Skill applied: Unity, maya


haunted house adventure ( 2022 - personal)

During the holiday, I learned basic first-person and enemy AI systems by watching online tutorial videos.  Entering the sector would lead to a failure.

skill applied: Unity


Mobile game demo ( 2021 - AUT)

The 3D click-based puzzle mobile game was made by Unity. The background music was made by myself by using GarageBand. Scrolling the cuboid to the designated area leads to victory. 

Skill applied: Unity, GarageBand

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